Tea Timings

Tea Timings

Like the whole world, even I have been swept by the green tea revolution. Who had heard of green tea until a few years back? In India, it was an uncommon beverage in the middle class families. But now it is a beverage that can be expected in a lot of the households in India. It is mostly popular with the younger generation who nowadays are quite remarkably conscious of their health. We might talk about the younger kids being more prone to junk food and unhealthy snacking. But that I think is not entirely true. There is another quite well-informed section of the younger generation who use the internet for all the right reason. They make serious efforts to inculcate healthy habits. They are hard-working, disciplined and make good health choices that reflect on their lifestyle. And most of them, if not all, prefer green tea over the black one.
Now there is one question that I have heard most people ask? When is the right time to consume green tea? Should it be had in the morning on empty stomach? Should it be had after meals? Or can it be had in the evening? There is not one specific answer to it. But a lot of experts say that it is not advisable to have tea, green or otherwise, on empty stomach. Especially, milk tea. Of course it differs in different metabolism. It has been a tradition in India to start your day with a good and gracious cup of milk tea. A lot of them prefer to have green tea as well in the morning nowadays. But it advisable to avoid tea of any kind on an empty stomach as it may cause acidity or acid reflux. What most suggest is to have two warm cups of waters before anything else makes its way through the food pipe.
Green tea is the less oxidised form of tea and retains a lot of vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants. But as they say, excess of everything is bad. So having more than three cups of green tea a day will quite likely do more harm than good. But within that safe limit, green tea can work wonders on your metabolism. Here are some of the best time to have green tea-
As I already mentioned, green tea is not recommended on empty stomach or too early in the morning due to its high catechins content. However, having it at around 10-11am after a good round of breakfast is healthy as it will most likely kickoff your metabolism. Having green tea in between meals is okay too. It is always an excellent choice to have a dose of green tea before a workout. It can render more stamina to exercise longer. Another good time to have green tea is in the evenings. By that time the body metabolism lowers and having a cup of green tea can keep the metabolism going. However, green tea should not be had right before bed. Its high caffeine content may hinder sleep. So there! You now have a good idea about the best timings to consume green tea. So order some and enjoy the many health benefits green tea has to offer. You can also check out the green tea from ‘The Chayi’ Store. They have some really good assortments. Till then stay positive and stay healthy.
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